a. Unless otherwise approved by the Board, the maximum amount allocated for the Scholarship/Tuition Assistance program per calendar year shall be an amount up to $4,000.00.
b. Except as specified in Section g., there will be a maximum of $500.00 available per Scholarship/Tuition Assistance each year.
c. The amount awarded per individual Scholarship/Tuition Assistance may vary, as determined by the Committee. However, NCBC members may not receive both a scholarship for a course or training program and tuition assistance to an NCBC conference in any one calendar year.
d. It is not required that the course or training program for which the scholarship is granted be applied toward a degree. It must, however, be work or career-related so that the courts, as well as the individual recipient, benefit.
e. The applicant may apply for tuition assistance to attend the annual conference of the NCBC. The amount awarded shall not exceed the amount of the annual conference registration fee or other limit established by the Board. The applicant must certify that the amount requested to cover the registration fee or any portion thereof is neither being paid or reimbursed by his/her court.
f. In awarding tuition assistance, the Committee may consider NCBC contributions, economic need, whether the applicant has attended an NCBC conference, and the applicant’s interest in continuing education.
g. Awardees of tuition assistance to attend the annual conference may be required to provide assistance to the host court during the conference for such duties as staffing the registration and other tables for a portion of the registration period, as directed by the host court’s conference committee.
h. Upon completion of the course or training program, the Scholarship/Tuition Assistance recipient must write an article for the NCBC Impact Newsletter describing the course content and the value of the educational program. The deadline for submission of the article is three months after completion of the course or conference. If the article is not submitted, then reimbursement of tuition will not be made.
i. Scholarship/Tuition Assistance funds will be provided on a reimbursement basis (after the course or conference has been completed), unless special circumstances exist. If the applicant was awarded conference registration, then the business manager will be contacted so the registration of the recipient can be marked accordingly within the conference financials.
j. The deadline for receipt of applications shall be advertised annually.
k. Approval of applications for tuition assistance to attend the NCBC conference shall be made by the Committee no later than 60 days prior to the annual conference.
l. The applicants will be notified by either an award letter or a denial letter via e-mail at least 45 days prior to the annual conference.
m. Once the recipients have been notified of their scholarship award, they have two weeks to accept or decline the scholarship.
n. The recipients have one year from the acceptance of the award to submit proof of completion and reimbursement form.